So, I've been distracted from the site for a while what with school and all. It just amazes me how humans spend their whole lives rushing around with a sense of urgency until it all just comes to an abrupt end.
Electronics, for example. Everybody needs their smart phone or whatever to be as fast as physically possible, even though they can already accomplish everything they could ever need to in a matter of seconds.
Person 1: Dude, did you hear about the new iPhone 4s? It's so sweet! I've heard that it goes up to 7 times faster than the old one!
Person 2: 7 TIMES FASTER?!? I've SO got to spend my parents' money on that! It's not like I already have the ability to make calls, take pictures, play games, write reminders, get maps, do online banking, go on the internet, text my friends, check my Facebook, update my status, blah, blah blah, blah, blah blah blah...
It really does get kind of annoying when people walk across the highway texting. What happened to common sense? Also, people texting while they drive. What's up with that? It's not bad enough to be talking on the phone while you drive, but now you also have to take your eyes off the road to see what your friend Suzie said.
Person 1: Oh! I just got a text! Here, let me see what it says while I'm driving a 2-ton death machine through a residential section.
Person 2: Hey! Come back here! You just ran over my 3-year-old child!
Person 3: Get that car out of my house!
Person 1: Haha, like, totally.
The worst place for these behaviors, as I have noticed, is college. Now, I'm not sure quite what this says about the effectiveness of these learning facilities, but whatever it is, it isn't too good.
My parents always talk about how things were when they were growing up. (As all parents do.) They always say stuff like, "When I was young, we spent time outside instead of staring at a screen all day," and "When I was young, I had to entertain myself instead of having my entertainment spoon-fed to me by some computer." (You have to imagine an old geezer voice for it to be effective. My parents don't have old geezer voices yet, but it still enhances the experience.) Anyways, them saying stuff like that kind of makes me wonder whether the world was better before the era of technology. It was a lot simpler, I'll say that much. What do you think? Which world would you rather live in? A simple but sometimes inconvenient world or a dangerous but more advanced world? Fill out the poll to let me know!